Saturday, November 2, 2013



I literally cannot keep my eyeballs open!

It's funny to think in college I got a lot less sleep than this but I wasn't quite as tired. I think having every minute of every day planned and constantly in deeeeeeeep thought and feeling the spirit more than you ever have in your life before is #EXHAUSTING.

Here's another picture with my cousin Elder Cole and I and our companions :)

Sundays in the MTC are amazing. I loved every meeting! We got to go on a walk to the temple on Sunday night and it was really fun. Here is a picture of Sister Hartley and I, and then one of our whole district :)

I had my very first real missionary lesson on Monday and that was exciting. Here in the MTC they have people you get to practice teaching. Some of them are LDS members that are actors, some are converts that portray themselves before they joined the church, and some are REAL INVESTIGATORS. So you never know! It's crazy!

One of the Elders in my district named Elder Guillume is from Farmington as well and he went to Davis High school... it's fun to have someone to talk about University of Utah football, Lagoon, and everything else Farmington with. He is the Elder on the very far left of the picture above.

Here is a picture of my friend from my district - Sister Ridge and I. She reminds me SO MUCH of my best friend serving in Baltimore Maryland! We love to goof around :)

Sunday Night we got to go to a devotional and Carlos A Godoy of the 70 talked to us about his conversion story, it was awesome! Something i loved that he talked about was the fact that we are called to teach "ALL." Someone that may not look like the perfect investigator can be just who is waiting to hear the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Then we watched an old devotional titled "The Characters of Christ" talk by David A. Bednar. He talked a lot about missionary work being more about who you are - rather than what you say. That has been so comforting to me along with "Teach people, not lessons." I feel like I don't know a lot of doctrine and so I love the fact that I can teach people what they need, and not worry about every single thing I am going to say. The spirit will guide!!!
Turning outward and converting myself is going to be such a big part of my missionary experience.
Christ truly turned outward in every way. The natural man turns inward and we all know that "the natural man is an enemy to God.
When you replace the word "repent" with "turn" you will find it's necessary to live with your Heavenly Father again. It's possible and I know it is!

I don't know how I never realized the the LDS church is literally CHRIST'S RESTORED CHURCH! It blows my mind! The ministry that Christ had during the New Testament times with his 12 deciples is RE-ESTABLISHED on the earth today!
How could you not want to hear about it?!
I don't know why that never clicked before...

We have been meeting with a lot of investigators. I have 2 favorites... Linda and Sarah.
Linda is a 58 year old retired special ed teacher who has a deep love for the Bible and love for God. She has been meeting with missionaries for a year and can't get an answer if the Book of Mormon is true or not. She tells Sister Hartley and I that she's "not a feeler" so I think she has had a hard time recognizing the holy ghost. Sister Hartley and I just want her to feel so badly of God's love for her because she seems so lonely and sad!

We have also been meeting with a REAL LIFE investigator... Sarah :) We have run into her quite a few times outside of classes and we don't think it's a coincidence! She is from Tennessee and moved here to Utah pretty recently! She has given us all sorts of tips about the south and food and I think she got a crack out of the fact that my Grandpappy was a moonshiner from Signal Mountain! Here is a picture of all us girls from the district with her!

Halloween was just another amazing day of missionary work.... :)
My family was thinking of me though and I was so happy to get some Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies in the mail! It made my whole week and my district LOVED THEM!

We had another lesson with Linda and it was really powerful. She is still hung up on the Book of Mormon being true. Sister Hartley and I gave her a card and a Halloween present that she loved! It seemed to touch her that we genuinely care and love her. I asked if maybe she's not getting her answer about the BOM because she is already in her head doubting it since she loves the Bible so much. How can she get an answer when she's not open to one? ----- yes or no!
"How do you know the Bible is true, Linda?" She says she just knows... and we asked if she has prayed to know the Bible is true. She said no, she we invited her to pray about BOTH books :) and that if she really wants to grow and progress... she has to get out of her comfort zone! I also told Linda to "Doubt her Doubts" and never doubt the faith that she has. I think she really liked it.

I auditioned to play a musical number this week and it went really well!

I can't believe it is November now.....

Yesterday we had In-field orientation all day and it was really fun. There were lots of object lessons which I loved. One of my favorites was when you tried to squeeze a hard boiled egg through a bottle.... it just crumpled and smashed. But, if you lite a match and toss it in the bottom of the bottle and place the egg on top.... it just magically fell through! This was to show that we can't force our investigators to conversion... they must do it for themselves.

There was also a really neat play they put on for us exemplifying the first few weeks out in the mission field and how to work with our ward mission leaders and bishops. Member missionary work is so so so so important! At the end of the play there was a short video. It was a map of the world and it started with one dot on the map in Kirkland Ohio. The dot moved to Nauvoo and more dots began to appear as time progressed and different colored dots popped up, indicating all the stakes, temples, and members all over the world. It was so powrful to me and made me cry!

My favorite part of the day yesterday was teaching Linda her 5th and final lesson since we have to leave to Jackson on monday! The lesson went so well.... we shared D&C 20: 11-12 with her and invited her to be BAPTIZED! After a very long pause............... She said YES!

I am missing a lot of things... My mom's cooking... my dog Dexter, listening to and playing music all day, watching finding nemo... and my family. Mom, I even miss your green smoothies!
Well I have to go get packing.... but I love you all! I can't believe that Monday afternoon... I WILL BE IN JACKSON MISSISSIPPI!!!!!! The time here in the MTC has flown by and I already feel like a completely different person.
The church is true and there is not a doubt in my mind! 

And thank you for the mail.... it keeps me going. I'm sorry I don't have time to respond to you all right away... But i will soon, I promise!!!!! Please keep writing!!!!!!

I love you all so much!! Goodbye, and I will talk to you in MISSISSIPPI!

Love, Sister Brown

Favorite Scripture of the week: ETHER CHAPTER 12
Awkward moment of the week: 

Sister Brown and Elder Guillume Beat Boxing some Hymns! LOVE IT! :)

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